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Amazon Web Services (AWS) is currently the only supported cloud provider on Threeport.

The following services can be managed with Threeport objects:

  • Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) for Kubernetes Runtimes.
  • Relational Database Service (RDS) for managed databases as an application dependency.
  • Simple Storage Service (S3) for object storage buckets as an application dependency.

There are many other AWS resources that are managed by Threeport to deliver these services. VPCs, subnets, elastic load balancers are all managed in service of the supported services on Threeport, but Threeport users need not configure or provision these separately.

AWS Account

An AWS Account object allows you to register AWS account information with Threeport so that it can be used to deploy runtimes, workloads and managed services in that account. A genesis Threeport control plane deployed to AWS will utilize AWS best-practice IRSA authentication to manage resources within its own AWS account. To give Threeport access to other AWS accounts, you must include an AWS account ID, access key ID, and secret access key credentials to authenticate. If you have your local AWS config set up to use the aws CLI tool you can reference those credentials stored on your local file system when creating an external AWS account.

You can register and use as many AWS accounts in Threeport as you wish.

Reference: AwsAccount

AWS EKS Kubernetes Runtime Definition

This object allows you to configure an AWS EKS cluster directly. We recommend using the KubernetesRuntimeDefinition object with the InfraProvider field set to eks to provision EKS clusters. However, if there is a specific EC2 instance type that you'd like to use that isn't offered through the Threeport NodeProfile and NodeSize abstractions, you can directly provision EKS clusters using this object.

When you create one of these objects, Threeport will create a corresponding Kubernetes Runtime Definition so that it can be referenced by the system as needed.

Reference: AwsEksKubernetesRuntimeDefinition

AWS EKS Kubernetes Runtime Instance

This object allows you to provision an instance from the config in a definition. Similar to the definition, we recommend using the KubernetesRuntimeInstance to provision EKS clusters in AWS. However, if you need to specify a region not offered through the Threeport Location abstraction, you can use this object.

When you create one of these objects, Threeport will create a corresponding Kubernetes Runtime Instance so that it can be referenced by the system as needed. This Kubernetes Runtime Instance contains the connection information for the Kubernetes API that is used by the workload controller to deploy resources.

Reference: AwsEksKubernetesRuntimeInstance

AWS Relational Database Definition

This object allows you to define an RDS instance configuration. You can specify the engine (one of mysql, postgres or mariadb) and the version of that engine. You can also specify the name of the database the client workload will connect to, the port, the machine size to use for the database, the amount of storage to provision as well as the number of days to retain database backups. If you specify 0 for the BackupDays field, no backups will be kept. You can also specify the AWS account to use for the database.

The field that is important to connecting it to the client workload is the WorkloadSecretName field. This field tells Threeport what name to give to the Kubernetes secret that will provide the database connection credentials to the workload connecting to the database. Threeport will create a Kubernetes secret with the following keys:

  • db-endpoint: The network endpoint at which the RDS instance is available.
  • db-port: The port the client workload can connect to the database on.
  • db-name: The name of the database the client workload will use.
  • db-user: The database user name the client workload uses to authenticate.
  • db-password: The client workload's user password to authenticate to the DB.

When constructing the Kubernetes resource manifest for the workload, configure your pods to retrieve these values from the specified secret as an environment variable. If you're not sure how to do this, see our Deploy Workload on AWS guide for a detailed walk through of an app on Kubernetes using an RDS database.

Reference: AwsRelationalDatabaseDefinition

AWS Relational Database Instance

This object represents a deployed instance of RDS as configured by the definition. This object connects the instance to the Workload that will use the DB.

Reference: AwsRelationalDatabaseInstance

AWS Object Storage Bucket Definition

This object allows you to configure an S3 bucket for use by an application. You can nominate whether the bucket should have public read access or not. Public read access is useful for serving static assets for a web front end. Otherwise, if the data to be stored on S3 is private, you will not want public read access (which is the default).

You also need to provide a value for the WorkloadServiceAccountName field. Threeport uses IAM Roles for Service Accounts (IRSA) to provide access to the S3 bucket for your workload. This means you'll need to include a Kubernetes Service Account with a matching name in the Kubernetes manifests in the WorkloadDefinition for your workload that will use S3. If you're unsure how to do this see our Deploy Workload on AWS guide for a detailed walk through of an app on Kubernetes that also uses S3.

Lastly, you'll need to provide the environment variable your workload will use to reference the name of the S3 bucket. This environment variable will be added to your workload by Threeport. Your app just needs to know what env var to reference.

Reference: AwsObjectStorageBucketDefinition

AWS Object Storage Bucket Instance

This is a deployed instance of S3 that connects it to a WorkloadInstance object.

Reference: AwsObjectStorageBucketInstance

Next Steps

Check out our Deploy Workload on AWS guide see an example of how to deploy a workload that is connected to an RDS database and S3 bucket.