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Application Orchestration

App Orchestration is a programmatic approach to software delivery that facilitates the use of software systems to manage the deployment and ongoing management of apps.

This is the approach used with Threeport. Applications don't exist in a vacuum. They have dependencies. Threeport manages all the dependencies for an application so that a development team can start with absolutely no infrastructure or runtime environment and readily deploy their application using Threeport.

Threeport treats the following concerns as application dependencies:

  • Cloud Infrastructure: Threeport orchestrates the provisioning, availability and autoscaling of all compute and networking infra needed to run an application.
  • Container Orchestration: Kubernetes is the most capable runtime environment for cloud native software. Threeport installs and configures Kubernetes environments for the application being deployed.
  • Support Services: Applications need support services installed on Kubernetes to provide things like network connectivity, TLS termination, DNS record management, secrets, metrics and log aggregation. Threeport installs and configures these support services for each application deployed.
  • Managed Services: Many applications use cloud provider and/or commercial managed services such as databases or observability services as a part of their stack. Threeport orchestrates the provisioning and connectivity for the application's workloads to make these managed services available.

The ultimate end-user of Threeport is the developer or operator that needs to deploy and manage instances of their applications - for development, testing, staging or production. The user provides a config for their app that declares its dependencies. Threeport orchestrates the delivery of the application workloads along with all their dependencies.

Threeport Developer Experience

Continuous Delivery & GitOps

For comparison, let's look at common methods that have been used for software delivery in the past.

CD and GitOps are primarily adaptations using CLI tools that humans use. They were an improvement on run books used by system admins in days gone by, and they served us well for a time. However, their shortcomings are glaring.

Tools like Terraform, Helm and Kustomize are not natively interoperable. They require vast text file configurations and do not handle logical constructs well. Hashicorp did its best to introduce conditionals and loops to Terraform. The go templating used by Helm is similarly capable. These methods are fine for early testing and development. However, when complex production environments grow from those early POCs and MVPs, these config languages and templating systems fall short. Any web developer will tell you that logic should be kept out of the templates that render HTML as much as possible. There's a good reason for this: templating languages are limited, difficult to maintain and much more challenging to write unit and end-to-end tests for.

Below is a diagram that illustrates a pretty typical use of GitOps.

GitOps Delivery

  1. Ahead of time, the GitOps team builds the GitOps pipeline which generally includes Helm templates and Kustomize overlays. The pipeline itself also must be configured. A popular choice is ArgoCD and, in that case, the pipelines are configured using their Kubernetes custom resources.
  2. The developer merges changes to their application which fires off a continuous integration process to test and build their app. The end result is a container image pushed to a registry.
  3. The developer pushes a change to the config repo. This would include an update to the version of the container image they wish to deploy. They would usually apply that change to the branch or set of configs that correspond to the environment they wish to deploy to.
  4. The GitOps pipeline is triggered by the change and runs the templating and overlay operations to render complete Kubernetes manifests that are then applied to the cluster.

This GitOps workflow can work fine in simple use cases. The problems arise as sophistication increases. Helm templates often become overwhelmed with conditional and looping logic that is messy to express in templating languages. The additional complexity of multiple layers of configuration with Helm and Kustomize make it challenging just to figure out where values are being set. And since such pipelines are difficult to test before use, they tend to be brittle and interrupt day-to-day operations.

This complexity is compounded when using multiple inter-dependent workloads in a microservices architecture. The configuration to connect those components must be supplied as inputs to the pipeline, adding more config vars that apply in multiple places inside a maze of templates, overlays and configs.

The complexity is increased further if there are controllers in your system that update resource configurations that have been defined in a config repo. You then have to either tell your GitOps engine to ignore some changes or push those changes back into the code repo from your runtime environment.

In summary, GitOps is OK early in early development. However, it becomes entirely inelegant as complexity scales up - as it inevitably does when the realities of production hit and as requirements for your software accumulate.

Software Delivery Orchestration with Threeport

In contrast to config languages and templating languages, general purpose programming languages like Java, Python and Go are designed to manage complex logic elegantly. Logic defined in these languages is maintainable and can have comprehensive automated testing applied to maintain reliability and backward compatibility. They are great for writing APIs that enable further software interoperability.

We chose Go to build Threeport. It exposes a RESTful API that can be called through our CLI qleetctl or by any application that can call an API over HTTP. It stores state in a relational database and uses controllers to reconcile state for objects defined by users.

You no longer have to manage thousands of lines of config in a git repo that triggers pipelines. Threeport is an application that manages the delivery of your workloads. It orchestrates all of your app's dependencies in a cloud native environment, all the way down to the infrastructure.

Threeport manages software delivery in these distinctly different ways from pipeline-driven systems:

  • The developers and DevOps team don't store their configs and templates in git. We view git as an excellent tool for version control of source code for applications, but not as a data store for system configuration. Threeport stores user-defined config in a database so that controllers in the system can readily read those configs and update them with statuses and other information collected at deploy and run time.
  • Configs are not processed through a pipeline. When configuration is added, updated or removed, level-triggered controllers are notified of the change and set about reconciling the user-defined state with the actual state of the system. They operate on a non-terminating loop until the desired state is reached.
  • Threeport enables the use of custom controllers to provide customized functionality. While Threeport supports the use of Helm and Terraform for those that want to start with those methods, we encourage the use of the Threeport SDK to build controllers that understand each particular custom use case. These controllers can be maintained with unit tests and end-to-end tests. Rather than templates with placeholders, software uses objects with variable substitution. Values for those variables can be passed as parameters into functions that and are naturally subject to more rigorous controls.
  • Threeport is a natively multi-cluster system. Many organizations use multiple clusters across different tiers and environments. This allows Threeport to perform actions that take these clusters, tiers and environments as input configurations. Logic can be implemented for multi-cluster systems to enable the orchestration of advanced disaster recovery, failovers, migrations and multi-region applications in a coherent, reliable and scalable way.

The following diagram illustrates software delivery using app orchestration with Threeport.

Software Delivery Orchestration

  1. Ahead of time, the DevOps team sets up definitions and defaults for apps and their dependencies. These provide the guardrails and rules leveraged by the developer to deploy instances.
  2. The developer merges changes that trigger a CI process using, for example, GitHub Actions. This typically runs automated tests and build processes.
    1. The final build artifact is generally a container image that is pushed to an image registry to become available to run in an environment.
  3. The developer can now trigger a deployment of an instance of that application.
    1. In the near future, updates from GitHub Actions will be available. This will change the image version to trigger automated updates when desired.
  4. The Threeport control plane notifies a controller to perform a deployment or update to the running containers and Kubernetes resources necessary to achieve the desired state. This enables future behavior to automate roll outs in some tiers, e.g. dev, while ensuring that human operators can trigger roll outs for more critical tiers like staging and production.
  5. Any deployments, updates and deletes are then conducted by the Threeport controller by calling the relevant Kubernetes API running in the environment being used.

Subsequently, the developer and other team members can then retrieve status updates and operational data - including any errors - for the new deployment through the Threeport control plane.


Software delivery orchestration uses a control plane to manage application deployment and management. It scales well with complex software systems that have many dependencies on infrastructure and other services.

Cloud native systems were enabled by container orchestration with Kubernetes. It alleviated the need to use config management with tools like Ansible, Chef and Puppet because a control plane took responsibility for reconciling state across clusters of machines. Software delivery orchestration removes the need to use config tools to define our applications and their dependencies because a control plane becomes responsible for stitching all these elements together to produce a running app.

Next Steps

To get a practical understanding of how Threeport manages delivery, check out our Getting Started page which provides the steps to install Threeport and use it to deploy a sample application.